Carriage Driving Magazine Abonnement
Carriage Driving magazine deals with everything related to carriages including light trade, coaching, private driving, show Hackneys, horse driving trials and scurry driving. It is a monthly issued magazine that deals with everything related to carriages including light trade, coaching, private driving, show Hackneys, horse driving trials and scurry driving. It is the primary source of information for all horse carriage enthusiasts in and around the UK. All the issues of the magazine are chalk full of latest competitions, shows, news and coverage of important events. Along with them, featured sections such as the gossip column, results of the latest and important races from around the area, trainings section that contains tips for the readers to hone and polish their carriage driving skills. The Junior Spotlight section features talented youngsters and it is a great opportunity for enthusiasts to showcase their capabilities.Carriage Driving Magazine kopen in Nederland en België.
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